Deep learning for citrus trees results featured in Geo International magazine

Extremely happy to see that the work where I was using the newly integrated deep learning algorithms in eCognition (Trimble Geospatial) was featured as a head line for Geo International magazine for March-April 2019. Briefly, we were using a simple CNN architecture to detect citrus trees in a highly complex and managed citrus orchard in California. We reached more than 96% accuracy, using spectral information acquired by drones. You can check the article published in Drones for more information.

The magazine article “A sweet success” details the story behind this study, how everything started, why we chose that study area and how we assembled a deep learning framework for precise identification of citrus trees. Drones are already contributing for better precision agriculture and will sure do much more in the near future. Check the article here.

Big thanks to eCognition team and Mary Jo Wagner for writing this great article!

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