Publication: The need of samples and how to generate them for crop type classification

New publication is now open-access in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation! We propose a methodology based on dynamic time warping and random forest to automatically generate crop type samples needed for supervised classification. Check out the paper at the link below! Belgiu, M., Bijker, W., Csillik, O., Stein, A., 2021, Phenology-based sample generation for supervised crop …

Publication: Tracking carbon near-real time

New publication is now open-access in PLoS ONE: Near-real time aboveground carbon emissions in Peru This study used Planet Dove quarterly and monthly mosaics in combination with airborne LiDAR measurements of canopy height in order to estimate the aboveground carbon stocks over multiple time periods and then used the IPCC stock-difference method to obtain the carbon emissions at yearly, quarterly, …

Publication: Gold mining impacts in the Peruvian Amazon

The article published on January 14, 2020, in Environmental Research Letters, presents an approach for monitoring the aboveground carbon emissions in Madre de Dios, Peru, in an area highly affected by the gold mining activities, most often illegal and small-scale. We used Planet imagery, Sentinel-1 radar images, topography and airbone Lidar within a neural network framework to estimate how much …

Publication: Monitoring tropical forest carbon emissions with Planet data

You can access the publication on Nature’s Scientific Reports webpage. Csillik, O., Kumar, P., Mascaro, J., O’Shea, T. and Asner, G.P., 2019. Monitoring tropical forest carbon stocks and emissions using Planet satellite data. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 17831. We have developed a method to monitor carbon emissions from tropical forests at an unprecedented level of detail. The approach will provide the basis for …